Model Portfolios are pre-constructed investment portfolios that are strategically designed to match various risk profiles and investment objectives. They consist of a diversified mix of asset classes, such as equities, bonds, and alternative investments, tailored to suit different investor needs.


  • Conservative Portfolio: Suitable for investors seeking capital preservation and steady income, with a lower tolerance for risk.
  • Balanced Portfolio: Designed for investors looking for a mix of growth and income, with a moderate risk tolerance.
  • Aggressive Portfolio: Geared towards investors aiming for high growth potential, willing to accept higher volatility and risk.


  • Diversification: Model Portfolios offer diversification across various asset classes and sectors, reducing the overall risk of the portfolio.
  • Professional Management: Our experienced portfolio managers continuously monitor and adjust the portfolios to align with changing market conditions and investment trends.
  • Risk Management: Each portfolio is constructed with risk management in mind, ensuring that it aligns with your risk tolerance and investment objectives.
  • Accessibility: Model Portfolios are accessible to investors of all levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals, making it easy to start investing.
  • Transparency: We provide complete transparency regarding the underlying investments and asset allocation of each portfolio, allowing you to make informed decisions.
  • Cost-Effective: Investing in Model Portfolios can be cost-effective compared to building and managing a diversified portfolio independently.

Invest with confidence and peace of mind with Anmol Money's Model Portfolios. Let us simplify your investment journey and help you achieve your financial goals efficiently. Choose the portfolio that best suits your needs and start investing today.